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Jennifer Ackerman marriage family individual therapy


Phone (281) 944-8218
Address 711 Bay Area Blvd Suite 287,
Webster, TX 77598 United States


I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist and licensed professional counselor with 9 years of experience working with couples, families and individuals dealing with a wide variety of issues. I have extensive training working within relationship systems. I help couples and families resolve or manage conflict. Marriage counseling, Premarital counseling and family counseling are definitely my specialty areas; however, I do offer therapy to individuals and children experiencing grief, anxiety, depression, bi-polar, and more. I am also a LGBTQ+ friendly and polyamorous friendly therapist.
I have affordable rates and extended, late evening appointments available, so you do not need to miss work or school.
Please contact me anytime by calling or texting me directly at 281-944-8218 or emailing me at [email protected]

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