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Southtowns Dental - Family & Implant Dentist In Buffalo, New York


Toll Free (716) 333-7607 - Toll Free
Phone (716) 222-8924
Address 1497 Abbott Rd,
Lackawanna, NY 14218 United States


Southtowns Dental, located in Lackawanna, New York, is a family-oriented dental office specializing in a wide range of services including dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, and same-day dental implants. Our team of experienced dentists and staff are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care, utilizing the latest in dental technology and techniques to ensure the best outcomes for our patients. Whether you're looking for a complete smile makeover with veneers or need dental implants to replace missing teeth, we offer personalized treatment plans to meet your needs. Trust us to help you achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. Call us at (716) 222-8924 today.

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